concertina; lambeth cartridge, ink, 199 x 8 x .25 cms
box; ink, card, 9.5 x 9.5 x 4.1 cms, 2017
Made in collaboration with Coracle Press
Purchase a copy of a solution is in the room | text from Coracle Press

concertina; lambeth cartridge, ink, 199 x 8 x .25 cms
box; ink, card, 9.5 x 9.5 x 4.1 cms, 2017
Made in collaboration with Coracle Press
Purchase a copy of a solution is in the room | text from Coracle Press

concertina; lambeth cartridge, ink, 199 x 8 x .25 cms
box; ink, card, 9.5 x 9.5 x 4.1 cms, 2017
Made in collaboration with Coracle Press
Purchase a copy of a solution is in the room | text from Coracle Press